
How Can Christians Best Help the Poor

Caring for the poor isn’t easy, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming, at least when looking at
poverty from the Bible. However, how we worship and show our care will vary from person
to person. Our worry does not reflect or establish our holiness in God’s eyes. Our sole
obligation is to serve in whatever capacity we feel prompted. Here are five practical ways you
can assist the poor as a Christian with that in mind.
1. Start with the church.
Local congregations are where service begins. We are compelled to address a need if it is
known in the church. Remember that the early church lived an open-handed lifestyle, sharing
everything they had with one another because of their love for Christ and the grace that God
had given them (Acts 2:44-45).

2. Look for methods to help that are easy and practical.
Take a look at your possibilities. Perhaps it’s helping at a local after-school program, a soup
kitchen, or a clothes pantry (and if none exist, you might create one via your church). Perhaps
it’s as easy as purchasing a cup of coffee for the guy on the street who is begging for money.
You may be surprised to learn that there are more needs than you thought. Request that God
provide you eyes to see and a heart to serve.

3. Collaborate with reputable professionals.
Many different groups, both locally and internationally, are attempting to relieve the suffering
of the impoverished. However, not every company is the same. Research the organization and
examine its finances to verify that the funds entrusted to it are adequately managed.
CharityNavigator.org is an excellent place to start when looking for reputable charities.

4. Keep in mind that spiritual issues need spiritual answers.
We would be prudent to collaborate with groups that understand poverty is ultimately a
spiritual problem. Look for groups that support the local church and genuinely preach the
gospel while serving the poor’s physical and relational needs. Compassion International is
one of the better organizations I’ve seen for aiding the world’s impoverished in this manner.
5. Pray for the best possible outcome and put your faith in God.
While we are here, we should minister to those who are in need, not to eradicate poverty. The
day of Jesus’ return is approaching, and He will wipe every tear from every eye on that day.
These things will be gone, including sin, grief, and death. Poverty won’t exist in the future
(Revelation 21:4). Consequently, try your best, pray, and put your faith in God.